
What are slush funds and why do you need them?

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Are you an entrepreneur who just had the idea of ​​starting your own business? Then, a black fund might interest you!

In this blog, we’ll discuss funding for your business and whether it’s truly necessary for your success.

What are slush funds?

Slush funds are amounts of money that are set aside as reserves. In accounting, a slush fund is a mixed fund account that has no specific use.

On the one hand, drug dealers and other criminal organizations often use these funds as straw accounts. And in politics and business it often has a negative connotation.

This refers to secretly raised capital. It could be something that comes from an illegitimate source or will be used primarily for unethical or illegal purposes.

Small and medium-sized enterprises consider funds useful instruments for investments. These include real estate investors who don’t want their business partners to know what kind of money they have available for investment purposes.

A slush fund is essentially a non-liability investment fund. The fund manager does not need to disclose what the money has been invested in.

What do companies use slush funds for?

It’s common for businesses to use slush funds for things like client parties, incidental expenses, and other forms of entertainment in order to win new customers. Additionally, a slush fund could be used for corporate benefits such as self-management, bonuses, group outings, and employee lunches.

Of course, they also have a much seedier side. The use of slush funds has been used to bribe union representatives, embezzle funds from pension funds, and hide profits. Which will flatten out the earnings later on. Therefore, companies rarely account for funds correctly. Or they are completely kept off the official books.

How to build slush funds?

One of the best things you can do for your business is set up an emergency fund to secure your future.

Therefore, put money aside in a fund to pay off any credit card debt you may have built up over time.

Slush funds are an informal pool of money that individuals or companies use for their own purposes without reporting it to the authorities.

Countries like China and Russia are rapidly encouraging their citizens to invest in these funds. However, entrepreneurs often use the fund’s money to buy influence from politicians and bureaucrats.

What is business risk insurance?

Risk insurance

Business casualty insurance is a form of small business insurance that covers the building in which your business is located, whether it is owned or rented. It also safeguards the equipment you use to conduct your business. Business property insurance is another name for this coverage.

This article was published by: Harrison Butler by title: What are slush funds and why do you need them?

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