Beware of the Coronavirus cybersecurity threat

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Be aware that Coronavirus (COVID-19) can pose a potential cybersecurity threat to Americans as well as a health threat.

As the virus spreads across the United States, cybercriminals bent on taking advantage of you too.

“The pandemic is dangerous enough without the evildoers trying to profit from public panic, and this type of conduct cannot be tolerated,” Attorney General William Barr said in a recent staff note.

cybersecurity graphics

The U.S. Department of Justice cites cybersecurity threats that include:

  • Individuals and companies selling fake COVID-19 cures online and engaging in other scams.
  • Phishing emails from entities posing as the World Health Organization or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, organizations that lead efforts to combat the crisis.
  • Malicious websites and apps (known as ransomware) that appear to share virus-related information to gain and block access to your devices until payment is received.
  • Look for fraudulent donations to illegitimate or non-existent charities.

Road Loan Guide

Cybercriminals have already begun distributing Coronavirus phishing emails and scam calls that include decoy health alerts, Coronavirus cures, stimulus payments and health supplements in an attempt to steal money and personal information.

RoadLoans suggests following these cybersecurity guidelines, as they can help keep your information safe:

  • Keep your software up to date on all your devices.
  • Check your privacy settings regularly.
  • Only open or reply to emails from known email addresses.
  • Keep your passwords safe.

“It is very important to remain vigilant against scams right now, because criminals are taking advantage of the fears surrounding the Coronavirus,” said Carlos Gonzalez, director of security insurance at RoadLoans’ parent company Santander Consumer USA. “Scammers don’t take a break and we can’t take a break from our vigilance.”

FTC Council

Here’s what the Federal Trade Commission recommends:

  • Hang up on automatic calls. Do not press any number. The crooks are using Illegal robocall to offer everything from scam treatments for Coronavirus to work from home schemes.
  • Ignore the online offers for vaccinations and home test kits. At present, there are no FDA-cleared home test kits for the virus. Visit the FDA to know more.
  • Do not reply to messages and e-mails about it checks from the government. Anyone who tells you they can get you money now is a scammer.
  • Don’t click on links from sources you don’t know. They could infect your computer or device.
  • For the most up-to-date information on the Coronavirusvisit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
  • Do your homework when it comes to donations. If someone wants to donate in cash, by gift card or by bank transfer, don’t.

You can find more useful information about the cyber security threat on the FTC website

This article was published by: Mark Macesich by title: Beware of the Coronavirus cybersecurity threat


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