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5 ways to deal with debt collectors, keep calm in dealing with debt collectors!

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One of the big problems often experienced by indebted parties is the terror of debt collectors or debt collectors. Here’s how to deal with debt collectors to stay safe and avoid threats.

5 ways to deal with debt collectors, keep calm in dealing with debt collectors!

debt collector often a scourge of consumers who are faced with debt problems. Starting from the terror via mobile phone like dozens of text messages and phone calls up to the threats that reach home.

Though debt collectors performing only their duties to collect outstanding debts, it is not uncommon for unscrupulous individuals to intimidate which can affect the psyche and mindset of the debt collector.

Many people are concerned about this behavior, so they look for ways to deal with it debt collectors security is a priority for those in debt from banks or loans on line.

If you are one of those who are concerned about intimidation from debt collector, Learn about the legal regulations that protect consumers from threats debt collectors before facing them.

Luckily there is practice PROTECT from Indonesian practices that are ready to protect consumers from harm debt collectors bad. Let’s take a look at the rules and how to deal with debt collectors!

Discover OJK’s Debt Collection Regulations

Before you know how to deal with debt collector, it would be nice for you to understand the legal umbrella he oversees debt collectors.

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) officially regulates benefits debt collectors on the basis of the circular letter n. 14/17/DASP of Bank Indonesia concerning the amendment to circular letter no. 11/10/DASP of Bank Indonesia related to the implementation of activities related to card-based payment instruments

These rules can be summarized in several points, namely:

  1. Do not use threats, violence or embarrassment
  2. Do not use verbal or physical violence
  3. Invoicing can only be done to the debtor
  4. It should not be done continuously to inconvenience the debtor
  5. Only allowed at the billing address
  6. Can only be done between 08:00 and 20:00 according to the time zone of the payer’s billing address
  7. Billing other than the billing address can only be done with the approval of the debtor

How to deal with debt collectors with safe

Do you want to prepare yourself if one day you are visited by a debt collector? Here’s how to deal with debt collectors What do you need to know!

1. Request the identity of the debt collector

How to deal debt collectors the first is to ask for the identity of the collector. You can do this step to ensure the identity of the collector and the institution that awarded them.

Starting with their name, HP contact number, and the financial company they work for. That way, if something goes wrong, you can report the person debt collectors to the authorities.

Initiating the interaction by assuring the identity of the collector can also demonstrate that you understand your rights and obligations as a debtor or borrower.

2. Make sure the debt collector’s certificate paper is appropriate

Did you know that debt collectors Is it necessary to have a certificate from the Association of Indonesian Financial Companies (APPI)? This is stipulated in OJK Regulation No. 35 of 2018 on the Implementation of Enterprise Financing.

in service, debt collectors must show the collector his professional certificate. If not, they could be penalized.

Not just certificates debt collectors in addition, he is required to bring a number of documents such as a letter of appointment from a financial company, photocopies of certificates of trust guarantee, as well as documents proving the default of the borrower.

This is to ensure that the billing process complies with applicable regulations, so it is an important step to know how to deal with them debt collectors.

(Read also: 7 Tips To Pay Off Debt Quickly, Can Lighten Your Debt Load By Up To 70%!)

3. Follow prompts and directions correctly

If the ID card and certification are complete, how to deal with it debt collectors the next is to properly follow the requests and the directions they give.

You must realize that they have come with the purpose of performing professional duties to collect the arrears you have.

If they do billing well, then you will also be expected to do well as a way of coping debt collectors safety.

Make sure the conversation remains supportive. If you have the funds to pay off the debt immediately, it would be best if the payment was made immediately.

If not, explain your financial condition and reasons in detail and calmly. Also provide an estimate of your ability to pay off the debt.

It is recommended that you have a debt management service that can help you manage your finances and determine your debt settlement goals so that you demonstrate that you have good faith in the bank or loan on line.

4. Report action Debt collector to the Authorized Subject

If you followed how to deal with debt collectors well but the response you get is actually threats and intimidation, don’t worry, report this action right away to protect yourself and your family.

Report Debt collector bad for Bank Indonesia

  1. Call the BICARA contact center on 131.
  2. Send email to talk@bi.go.id o Letter to typical building, floor 1 DUPK BI
  3. Fill out the online complaint form: www.bi.go.id/perlindungan-konsumen/form
  4. Come directly to Building B floor 1, BI Office Complex, Jl. MH Thamrin No. 2, Gambir, Central Jakarta.

Besides Bank Indonesia, you can report the person to other parties as OJK.

Report Debt collector bad to the Financial Services Authority

  1. Sending a letter to Radius Prawiro Tower, 2nd Floor BI Office Complex, Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 2, Central Jakarta 10350 addressed to the members of the Board of Commissioners of OJK for Education and Consumer Protection.
  2. Contact contact center to 157 (Monday-Friday 08.00-17.00 WIB, excluding holidays).
  3. By sending an email: consumer@ojk.go.id
  4. Fill out the online complaint form: http://konsumen.ojk.go.id/FormPenggulung.

Not only Bank Indonesia and Financial Services Authority, complaints can be directed to YLKI.

Report Debt collector bad at the Indonesian Consumer Foundation

  1. Contact contact center: 021-7981858 or 021-7971378.
  2. Come directly to Jl. Pancoran Barat VII/1, Durentiga, South Jakarta 12760 to get customer complaint service every Monday-Friday 09:00-15:00 WIB.
  3. For now, the YLKI complaint service has moved into the system on line through the site http://pelayanan.ylki.or.id.

Here’s how to deal with debt collectors rogue that you can apply in case of threats and terror so that the authorities can follow,

5. Use the debt collector’s protection service, practice PROTECT

After understanding the various ways of coping debt collector, You are certainly aware of the many steps that need to be taken when dealing with debt collectors.

To make it easier for you when meeting with debt collectors who do not comply with the rules, Indonesian practice releases a service practice PROTECT.

Using this service, you can report debt collectors to the right party with simple steps.

practice PROTECT ensure protection from debt collectors to consumers in the following ways:

  1. Provide information on what can and cannot be done debt collectors
  2. Provide comprehensive training on how to tackle properly debt collectors
  3. Adequately prepare reports in case of violations committed debt collectors
  4. Report violations debt collectors to the authorities

(Read also: 6 Myths and Facts About Debt, Not Always Bad!)

Amalan Indonesia itself is the first technology-based debt management company in Indonesia.

Since July 2016, the Indonesian firm has become the first firm in Asia to receive accreditation from the International Association of Professional Debt Arbitrators. (IAPDA).

Not just protect consumers from unscrupulous people debt collector, practice works for borrowers and works together to find the best and most affordable solutions with lenders with specially designed debt management programs based on each client’s different needs.

There are various debt problem assistance programs offered by Indonesian practice like debt management, also debt restructuring refinancing.

Come on, make #HopeBebasUtang with practice. Why Friends Practice Is The Solution To Indonesia’s Debt Problems!

This article was published by: Audira Armanitya by title: 5 ways to deal with debt collectors, keep calm in dealing with debt collectors!

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